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She shuddered- she couldn't help it. The place scared her more than she'd thought- no, it wasn't just the place even though it definitely had that aura of a nasty, evil place. It was him too. Why was Agustina here anyways? Why was she the one who had to come? Almost at once Hazel felt ashamed. Wasn't it Agustina who had saved her and helped her out? So when she needed a favor, something Hazel could do for her and here she was, whining like an ungrateful kid who wanted more without giving anything in return.

   Just do it she thought sourly, glaring at the place. She knew nothing would happen to her with Agustina there. Still she lingered, trying to gather enough courage to take that first step. In the end, it was the cold that made her go forward, this time shivering at the sharp wind biting at her face, making her nose red and numb and settling a chill past her flimsy jeans and into the bones of her legs.

   Hazel stepped in front of the gate and hesitantly put a hand out to push it open. It didn't budge. She glanced around and saw, to her left, an intercom. Feeling as if her nerves were going to fray, Hazel stepped towards it and pushed the button, a buzzing sound ringing in the air. She waited. A sharp clicking sound made her jump and she turned, heart in her throat, but it was only the gate now slightly open. Hazel swallowed and she wondered if there was ever going to be a time when she wasn't going to be afraid of every little noise. It didn't seem like it.

   She pushed past the gate, leaving it ajar behind her and trudged slowly along the path, hands in her pockets, face ducked against the wind. It was quite a walk and Hazel wondered how rich this guy had to be to own such a large place. She kept glancing around, imagining the place in spring. It could easily be a park and she could see people picnicking on the lush green grass, a blue sky in the background. When she tried to picture Kerrick being one of those people, it just wouldn't come.

   Hazel picked up her pace, eager to finish her task and leave. By the time she reached the mansion her face was red with the cold and exertion and her fingers, tucked safely into the pockets of her jacket, gloves forgotten in her haste, were numb. She went up the steps- made of steady wood, pillars at either end holding up the roof of the porch- and stood in front of the door. Small glass panes were set at the top, five rectangles in all, and despite herself Hazel stood on her tiptoes trying to peek in and see what was inside. She could barely even reach the glass.

   It's not all about being tall she tried to console herself. Hazel stared at the door. The fear that had been gnawing at the pit of her stomach now extended like the tendrils of a root, invading every part of her being. What was she thinking? Was she really an idiot? Agustina or not, Hazel shouldn't have come. Subconsciously, she was rubbing her right hand with her left, fingers tingling with the sensation of movement. Agustina had told her he wasn't here. She should move quickly. Taking a deep breath- which only made her want to vomit more- Hazel reached a finger and pressed the doorbell.


Kerrick was in the study with Sorcan. The mood was dull, at least for Kerrick who was staring tediously at the gleaming oak-paneled wall. He was perched on a wingback chair, his elbows perched on the armrests, both feet planted firmly on the thick red carpet like he was ready to spring up and dash away at a moment's notice. He was pouting.

   Sorcan was lazily flipping through the pages of a thick book, the rustle of pages turning like the whispers of an echo. He didn't seem as serious as his friend though he did look bored. He yawned once, then again. The third time drew Kerrick's attention and he scowled at his friend.

  "If you're so bored," he began to say in an acid voice, "then you can leave and find some entertainment elsewhere."

   Sorcan smiled at him, his eyes crinkling with mischievous amusement. "Aw, but my surprise hasn't come yet. I can't leave without making sure it got here."

   This captured Kerrick's attention and he glanced with equal parts suspicion and bafflement. "What surprise?"

  "The one I know will cheer you up." Sorcan said confidently.

  "Oh really?" Kerrick sounded doubtful.

  "Oh yes."

   Before Kerrick could probe more into Sorcan's surprise (and a long acquaintance with the man had told him to be wary of his surprises) Sorcan shut the book with a decided thump. "I'm thirsty," he announced. "Get that butler of yours in here with a glass of good wine. And maybe some sweets," he added.

   Kerrick narrowed his eyes at the man but knew that he wouldn't get more out of him. With a sigh, he stood up and went to the back of his desk. He pressed a button under one of the drawers and sat at his desk as he waited for Wulfram to come in.

   The silence prevailed once again until the door opened and a man in a neatly pressed black suit came in. "Sir?" he inquired.

  "A glass of your best wine, Wulfram, and some delicious sweets to go with it." Sorcan called out, one hand up in the air, index finger pointed up to the sky as though he were dictating.

   Wulfram raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing, instead his eyes resting coolly on Kerrick. He gave a nod to assent to Sorcan's demands and the butler bowed his head and left.

  "So," Sorcan said as he leant back against sofa, the book laid aside. "What is new with you, old friend?"

  "Is this a reunion?" Kerrick asked in amusement, despite himself, fingers steepled together as he laid his chin on top. "Has something happened in the last day or so we weren't together that I should know of, Sorcan? Or perhaps you've run out of clever and witty conversational starters and so, as a sad result, have been reduced to the bland and common 'what's new with you?'"

   Sorcan narrowed his eyes at him. "Aren't you in the cheery mood," he said. "Does that mean you've gotten over the girl with the name of a tree? What was it again? There are so many, after all."

   Kerrick's face darkened and his mouth set in a firm line. Sorcan just looked at him, the wry smile never leaving his face. "Have I hit a nerve?"

  "Continue to cross lines you shouldn't," Kerrick began, "and one day you'll find yourself in a situation even your charming smile can't get you out of."

   Sorcan only raised an eyebrow at this, as though Kerrick's statement was such an absurd thought that it wasn't even worth the response.

   When Wulfram returned to the study, silver tray in his hands, he found the mood more somber than before. He didn't question or worry about it; his master's moods often changed, like the seasons. He placed the tray on the mahogany table set to the side of the room and started pouring from the long-necked crystal bottle, the honey-colored liquid bubbling at the top. He handed one glass to Sorcan, who took it with a lazy gesture and sipped it with an appreciative sound. Wulfram just laid his master's glass on the desk.

  "What about the sweets? Don't tell me you've forgotten." Sorcan mocked. It was with an easy patience that Wulfram ignored the insolence of the other man, picking up the small bowl with the color wrapped candy and setting it on the table beside his arm.

  "Ah, my favorites. You truly are a butler worth a thousand gold coins."

  "Anything else, sir?" Wulfram asked, looking at Kerrick.

  "No, thank you." Kerrick said moodily, glass untouched. Wulfram bowed his head and picked up the tray.

  "Don't leave, Wulfram." Sorcan said, as he picked up a piece of wrapped candy and slowly, appreciatively, started to unwrap it. "I can't have you spoiling my little present to your master now."

   Wulfram stared at him, than looked to his boss for clarification. Kerrick had forgotten Sorcan's hint from earlier. Now he was in no mood for his mind games and he scowled at him.

  "I don't know what you're up to, Sorcan, but I'm damned tired of it. Now either you get out and take all your mind games with you, or you can-"

   The doorbell rang, cutting into his tirade. "Ah!" Sorcan's face brightened and he straightened up. "Finally. Took her long enough," he added with a frown. "I was beginning to wonder if she'd gotten lost."

  "A friend of yours?" Kerrick glowered.

  "No actually," Sorcan told him cheerfully. "It's for you. Your present," he added meaningfully. "Not you, Wulfram." Sorcan ordered as the butler began to move. "No one answers that door but Kerrick."

   The servant stared at Sorcan, a meditative look in his eyes. He looked back to his master. "Sir?"

   Kerrick narrowed his eyes as Sorcan popped the candy in his mouth, crumbling the wrapper in his other hand and tossing it onto the table, to the butler's disapproval. "This is one of your tricks," he accused.

  "It most certainly is," Sorcan agreed. "But this is one I know you'll love." He couldn't help smiling at his enigmatic statement.

   The doorbell rang again.

  "And I have to answer it?"

  "Most definitely." Sorcan said firmly. There was a short pause, than Kerrick stood up.

  "I'll get it, Wulfram," he told him. "This," he added, glaring at Sorcan as he passed, "had better not be a waste of my time."

  "Only if you don't let it." he replied as he picked out another piece of candy.

   Muttering under his breath, his face set into a scowl, Kerrick headed for the front door. The doorbell rang for a third time, this one longer than before. "I'm here," he said and opened the door. His scowl changed at once, turning into a look of surprise as he stared into the equally surprised face of Hazel Walker. As he realized this was Sorcan's surprise (how on earth had he gotten her to come here?) his astonishment gave way to a slow, avid smile just as she drew in a sharp breath, her face turning to fear. Her mouth hung slightly open and she was looking at him with the eyes of someone staring at the big bad ogre- which he supposed he was, in a way.

  "My dear Hazel," he said, unable to keep the pleasure from his voice. "This is quite a pleasant surprise."


When Hazel went to the beach, she always liked going to the deep end of the water. She would hold her breath as she would swim to the bottom, her eyes straining to see through the murky water. When she couldn't hold her breath any longer- when her lungs were burning and her head felt like it was going to explode- that's when she would kick her feet and swim to the surface. The first lungful of air she took in felt like a blessing, the sweetest thing she had ever experienced in her entire life.

   Hazel felt as though she were drowning, only this time there was nowhere she could swim to for air. She took a step back, from instinct and fear, but Kerrick was afraid she was going to run away. His arm shot out, and he grabbed her arm- gently but firmly, not willing to let her go.

  "W-what are you doing here?" she stammered, tugging uselessly against his grip.

  "What am I doing here?" he said with amusement. "I live here, of course. I know you know that. But what are you doing here, Hazel?"

   She opened her mouth but she couldn't respond. She swallowed, feeling her heart hammering against her chest, stuck in her throat as though it were going to choke her. This was all wrong. He wasn't supposed to be here. Where was Agustina?

  "You seem unwell," he said with concern, eyes raking in the pale expression.. "Come in. You need to sit." He pulled her inside; she stumbled and he caught her, steadying her to him. "Well, I certainly can't complain about this," he murmured, his lips against her hair. Hazel pulled away from him.

  "Where's- where's Agustina?" she stammered, glancing wildly around.

  "Agustina?" He seemed genuinely surprised by the question. "Why would she be here?"

   Hazel felt her heart constrict; she could barely swallow. "She called me, she- she said she needed…" her voice died away and she tugged uselessly against his grip once more. Confusion whirled around her mind like a tornado. Had she somehow misheard the voice over the telephone? But, no, she couldn't have. Agustina had been quite clear. So why was he here?

  "So what do you think, Kerrick? Was this a waste of your time?"

   Hazel's head shot up and she stared past him to see the familiar figure of Sorcan, leaning with a languid grace against a doorway.

  "I suppose I'm going to have to owe you an apology." Kerrick said with a laugh. "But how did you get here to come here?"

  "He didn't," Hazel began to say weakly.

   Sorcan grinned mischievously, pushing himself away from the doorway and cupping his hands around his mouth. "Aw, you know me Kerrick. I've charmed devils and damned souls and even you, too. How hard is it to trick a pretty little innocent like your tree girl here."

   To Hazel's horror it was Agustina's voice coming from his mouth. Even Kerrick seemed surprised. "I didn't realize you could imitate voices," he said, sounding slightly impressed and somewhat suspicious. "Have you ever imitated me?"

   Sorcan lowered his hands, his grin his only response.

  "We're going to have a talk," Kerrick told him. "But first…" he turned back to Hazel, whose eyes were wide with dread. It seemed as though the fight had been knocked out of her. "Wulfram," he called out to his servant. "Take Miss Walker to one of the guest rooms, would you please."

  "Yes sir."

   Kerrick put a finger under her chin and forced her head up, straight into his eyes. "You and I will have a talk later. I know there's quite a bit to catch up on, you and me…" His smile filled her with dread and it felt like she was tumbling down a mountain with no end in sight. "Until then, you should get some sleep. You look very pale, it doesn't suit you."

   He pushed her slightly forward, into Wulfram's grasp. Numbly, Hazel allowed herself to be led away
I wrote this around October with absolutely no clue where I was going with this- I still don't, to be honest. It was based on a dream and I wrote it down before I completely forgot it which was a good thing since before today I didn't remember it. I had another dream this morning, about something completely different but for some reason it reminded me of this. I'm not entirely sure whether they're going to be related or not; guess time will tell. Figured I'd put it on here, since it's been a while
© 2013 - 2024 weaveroffantasy
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